
Accelerated Stren​gth that saves time to stay productive.

With First-Up, forms can be removed sooner and concrete can bear construction loads earlier than with traditional concrete, this will cut days off your construction schedule. First-Up ready-mixed concrete from CBM meets the most demanding specifications, whether it’s an industrial, commercial or residential project.

How It Works

First-Up is a proprietary ready mixed concrete from CBM, designed to accelerate concrete strength gain and allow for quicker form removal. Different formulations make it easy to customize First-Up to your construction schedule. First-Up concrete is designed to provide 75% of your specified 28-day strength ensuring early form removal at 24, 36, 48, or 72 hours. This will take weeks off your schedule – saving you money on project financing and generating income sooner by initiating quicker occupancy. All First-​Up mixes conform to applicable CSA and ASTM requirements.


  • Accelerates your project schedule
  • Reduced financing charges
  • Quicker occupancy and income
  • Accelerated early strength
  • Speedier form turnaround
  • Better durability and appearance

Compressive Strength