
Waterblock Concrete ​

​Waterproof and Extend the Life of Your Structure. AquaShield is an integral crystalline concrete waterproofing mixture. It turns your concrete mass into a waterproof barrier. Used in place of externally applied surface membranes, AquaShield protects against moisture transmission, chemical attack, the corrosion of reinforcing steel, a variety of other structural benefits and cost savings that make it a superior product in its class.

​​​AquaShield contains chemicals that react with water to form millions of needle-like crystals. These crystals grow and fill the capillary pores and micro-cracks in the concrete, blocking the flow of water. As time passes and stresses form new cracks, any incoming moisture causes the crystals to reactivate, ensuring continuous waterproofing over the years. ​

AquaShield features waterproofing built directly into the concrete – simply by pouring the concrete and waterproofing all in one step. Along with a variety of structural benefits is superior protection with a system that is designed to last the life of the concrete and also increase jobsite productivity. Build faster with fewer hassles and get the project out of the ground sooner than anticipated. 

​​​AquaShield contains chemicals that react with water to form millions of needle-like crystals. These crystals grow and fill the capillary pores and micro-cracks in the concrete, blocking the flow of water. As time passes and stresses form new cracks, any incoming moisture causes the crystals to reactivate, ensuring continuous waterproofing over the years. ​

AquaShield features waterproofing built directly into the concrete – simply by pouring the concrete and waterproofing all in one step. Along with a variety of structural benefits is superior protection with a system that is designed to last the life of the concrete and also increase jobsite productivity. Build faster with fewer hassles and get the project out of the ground sooner than anticipated. 


  • Save time and money by eliminating the waterproofing sub-trade on your next project 
  • Protects from water getting in or out of your structure 
  • Extends the life of your structure 
  • Backfill sooner (no need to wait for external membranes to be applied) 
  • Safe for potable water and ideal for pools and water reservoirs 
  • Eliminates rusting 
  • Increase reliability and quality control 
  • Increase revenues with a larger building footprint 



​​AquaShield is recommended for all areas that will be subject to water pressure and can be used in cast-in-place and shotcrete applications: 

  • Below grade parking 
  • Water containment tanks 
  • Basements 
  • Sewage plants 
  • Swimming pools 
  • Dams, Pits & Canals 
  • Foundation walls 
  • Footings 
  • Slabs