
​Delivering Consistent ​​In-place Concrete Quality​

When you have to pour concrete underwater in high flow situations, normal concrete will not hold up to the demands. AquaCrete will dramatically reduce washout, maintain concrete integrity and reduce environmental impact of construction. ​​

Reduce Environmental Impa​​ct

​AquaCrete is a proprietary ready-mixed concrete from Canada Building Materials. Engineered to dramatically reduce washout of cement and fines in underwater concrete placement, while resisting segregation and enhancing self-compacting properties.

AquaCrete is designed to meet challenging placement requirements, self consolidate and exceed design strengths, providing long-term durability and reinforcement protection.

AquaCrete will provide exceptional and consistent in-place concrete.

For technical questions call St. Marys CBM Technical Service at 416-423-1300.

Aquacrete Benefits:

  • Consistent in-place concrete quality
  • Reduced or eliminated dewatering costs
  • Minimal environmental impact
  • Self-consolidating and self-leveling
  • Flowablity through small gaps and highly congested reinforcement


Washout Resistance​


Compressive Strength In-Situ​